Big Kid School

January 8th, 2009 by ninja

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Today was the only chance for prospective parents of PS 29 to tour the school. Since we had Mika’s pediatrician appointment set around lunchtime in Manhattan, i decided to do the impossible: keep Mika out of school for the whole day and bring both kids along in the morning (with friendly permission of the parent coordinator). There were a few other baby siblings in the audience, but no other prospective student. Mika did a great job staying quiet trough the ‘boring’ part (the introductory speeches) – Tobin was kept in check by an endless supply of strawberries, Cheerios, and … stickers. The actual tour was very interesting for Mika as well, as she could catch glimpses of kids in grades Pre-K through 5 while classes were in session.

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos

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