Nighty Night!

January 13th, 2009 by ninja


What’s better than having two kids you love? Seeing them show each other some love!

Mika and Tobin play quite well together already. Going for a stroll with the wooden doll cart is the favorite activity of the moment, followed by bouncing on (our) bed, having pretend picnics, and … drawing pictures. Below is their first joint work from a few weeks ago: Mika drew ‘Santa’s car‘ (red on red), ‘driving over water‘. Note that ‘the presents on the roof have Korean writing on them’. Tobin scribbled with black and a few other colors from the other side, and Mika quickly colored ‘the fish he drew falling from the sky’ green. Turbulent story. Hope Santa didn’t get hurt.


Posted in Daily Musings, Drawings, Photos

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