Somewhat Recovered

February 3rd, 2009 by ninja


Tobin got dragged by the bug until late Monday night – 3 days of throwing up and nearly no food! Today we continued our very cautious approach to mealtimes and everything stayed where it belonged. He seemed to have most of his energy back, but timing for Mika’s school pickup was awful: right after he had fallen asleep for his much needed nap! Olivia’s mom came to the rescue and picked up Mika, but Tobin was still mighty tired when we left the house to meet his sister at her impromptu playdate.

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos


  1. sabine responded on February 4th, 2009 at 7:05 am

    oooh, tobin, your poor bunny.
    good to hear you’re getting better!
    xo bruno

  2. ninja responded on February 4th, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    The post might’ve jinxed it: Tobin threw up one more time today at noon. I hope it’s not a real relapse, but rather him not tolerating milk-based oatmeal for breakfast yet. We’ll know more tonight (or tomorrow). Right now we’re back to lots of sleep/water/love … and maybe a little rice for dinner.