
April 6th, 2009 by ninja


Tobin is expanding his active vocabulary, one syllable at a time. In fact, almost everything he says at the moment are one-syllable ‘words’ … except for when he lets pictures do the talking: last week he ordered a refill of orange slices by pointing back and forth from Eric Carle’s caterpillar‘s oranges to his empty bowl.

This week, ‘range is part of his repertoire. Here are some words he picked up since the last post. There are more daily, so i won’t post about this again until he actually speaks in real terms…

(Tobin (Ger) (Eng) / German / English):

Mü’ & hat / Mütze / hat

Au’ & eye / Auge / eye

Mü’ & tash / Müll / trash

Tee & tea / Tee / tea

si’ / sitzt / sitting

‘range / Orange / orange

‘tiiii / Klementine / clementine

‘sine / Rosine / raisin

F’sch / Fisch / fish

‘las / Glas / glass

Bu’ / Buch / book

Gei’ / Geige / violin

‘siiik / Musik / music

Bu / Blume / flower

das / das / that

lall-all! / alle-alle! / empty!

meh’ / mehr / more

tiiis! & bye! / Tschüß! / bye!

mine! / meins! / mine!

‘poon / Löffel / spoon

New names: Bu (Bruno), Kai, Gaang, Nee (that’s for ‘Mika’ … i know, it doesn’t have anything to do with her actual name)

Posted in Quotes & Language


  1. P. ;-))) responded on April 7th, 2009 at 12:07 am

    Toll, dann können wir miteinander ja schon richtig viel besprechen, wenn Ihr kommt !!!

  2. ninja responded on April 7th, 2009 at 12:22 pm

    Das ist in fast 3 Monaten – bis dahin tut sich sowieso eine ganze Menge … also der perfekte Zeitpunkt für einen 6-wöchigen Intensivkurs! Vielleicht können wir ihn ja mit vereinten Kräften so richtig in Fahrt bringen. Und Mika gleich mit…