Baby No More

February 5th, 2010 by ninja

Tobin was a bit bummed this morning that his play date with Bruno got canceled. I tried to cheer him up by visiting Nara – it’s been 2 months since we last saw her and Tobin always liked being around her. Nara is sitting up on her own these days and started on solid foods. Still, Tobin made his point clear that he didn’t want to play with babies today…

In related news, he ditched his diapers altogether and is sleeping through naps and nights accident free. Big boy stuff.

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos


  1. sooki responded on February 6th, 2010 at 9:59 am

    I was wondering about the potty training with Tobin actually! That’s fantastic! So how long did it take in total Ninjette? Can’t believe Nara is sitting up on her own like that! WOW! :)

  2. ninja responded on February 6th, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    The biggest learning curve was in the first week. Then one week with a few accidents … maybe every other day. We started on January 8, so it’s been less than one month total. At this point, he might have an accident once a week or less, depending on how i am helping him to remember to go.

    At night it’s really up to the individual child though. Some kids’ bodies aren’t ready to sleep w/o diaper until they’re closer to 4 years old – even if they’re completely potty trained during the day. They sleep so deeply that they just go in their sleep. Tobin wakes up (and wakes me up) to ‘go potty’ at night … thankfully not every night. Mika did the same, so we’re lucky that way.

    Overall, most of the kids are potty trained by the age of 3 around here, and so was Mika. Back in the late 60’s, kids were trained by the age of 2. It’s partly a cultural thing, partly the kid showing to be ready. Still, i highly recommend starting in Summer and just taking the pants off (i. e. in the garden or at the beach)

  3. Jen responded on February 7th, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    Good job Tobin! Remember to line the mattress for the next 6 mths mama.

  4. ninja responded on February 7th, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    You betcha. Especially when we get the new bunk bed with brand spankin’ new mattresses, which is supposed to arrive this month…

  5. sooki responded on February 9th, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    I guess i will consult with you again when Lukas is ready to be potty trained :)