
March 22nd, 2010 by ninja

Tobin saw his favorite store kitty – which is usually quite active and playful – rolled up in a box, taking a 5:00 pm nap. He tried to get her attention by knocking at the window. The cat looked him straight in the eye, but didn’t move whatsoever. After a few minutes, he turned to me with an accepting expression and said: “Katze Feierabend, Mami! Da ganz gemütlich.”

There is no adequate translation for the concept of “Feierabend”, but his whole quote loosely translates into “Cat’s all done working and made itself comfortable for the rest of the evening”.

Posted in Quotes & Language


  1. sooki responded on March 26th, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Veeeery impressive Ninjette, i think you got a writer there in your hands :)

  2. ninja responded on March 26th, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    Sooki – the (loose!) translation is a lot smoother than Tobin’s sentence, but i was proud that he used the term “Feierabend” correctly.

    It is a word i did NOT teach him, but it’s mentioned in the last page of his favorite Pixi book about a day in the life of a construction worker: after a long day of work, the guy finally has “Feierabend!”, parks his digger and goes home. That must have made a lasting impression on Tobin ;-)