
June 5th, 2010 by ninja

A conversation with Mika, while she was working on a birthday card for a friend (she was trying different styles of drawing children … stick figure-ish, people with real limbs and colored clothing, etc.):

You know, Mami … i even know how to draw a man without *any* clothes on.

Really? Did you teach that to yourself, or did somebody show you?

I learned that at school. I can show you how!

When you’re done with this birthday card, why don’t you…

(see above)

I am assuming that another kid showed her, and not the art teacher. She always comes home and tries out new ways of drawing various things (people, houses, cars, playgrounds) that she picked up from her friends. No big deal to Mika anyways, since she has seen Tobin and “boy parts” all along ;-)

Posted in Daily Musings, Drawings, Quotes & Language

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