Calling The Tooth Fairy Tonight…

November 17th, 2010 by ninja

BREAKING NEWS: just in time for her 6th birthday, Mika has lost the first baby tooth! Being one of the youngest kids in her grade, she is quite relieved to have joined the gap-toothed crowd in a timely manner.

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos


  1. Fanny responded on November 17th, 2010 at 11:01 pm

    Congrats to Mika. Kai is about to lose his first baby tooth too (he is only 4.5 yr but got two extra teeth pushing the baby tooth to fall earlier). He is very excited about it. But I am feeling a bit sad. How do you feel about Ninja?

  2. ninja responded on November 17th, 2010 at 11:18 pm

    I am just a tiny bit wistful to see her leaving the little girl state for good, but mostly happy that it happened at the beginning of this school year. About half of the kids in her class have lost one or more teeth, and she wanted to have a wiggle tooth so badly. She’s almost the last kid in first grade to turn 6, so this makes her feel belong with all of her friends.

    At 4 1/2, Kai will probably be the first of his friends to start this process? I can understand that it feels a bit rushed to you…