July 19th, 2008 by ninja

I continue to watch Mika’s drawing abilities develop while trying to stay as hands-off as possible. It’s just really interesting to me how she expresses her visuals without too much of an outside influence … yet.

However, lately she has started to pick up all kinds of visual symbols at lightning speed: suns are yellow balls with rays, cats look like Luna, flowers have certain shapes and green stems, and rainbows are adult-recognizable in shape and colors (see pictures above). The letters are her own spelling of the song title “You Are My Flower”. She is very proud of her new skills (and so are we), but all these drawings are matter-of-fact.

That’s why i love the days when she still comes up with her own, semi-abstract shapes and connects them to wild storylines. Below, left: Mouse pulling a bag with a piece of coal in it to fire up train engine. Below, right: large, pink sail boat (center), circled by 2 pink seagulls and a pink cloud, on blue sea.

Posted in Drawings, Writings

One Comment

  1. carla responded on August 23rd, 2008 at 10:41 am

    These are incredible, particularly the abstract ones. If only we could all be so wildly imaginative – this would be a much more interesting world!

    Love your blog, Ninja. Such a wonderful journal of parenthood. I read it all the time. :)