Sparkle And Shine

February 5th, 2011 by ninja

On the sidelines of Theo’s first birthday celebration in Koreatown, Mika, big sister Olivia, and a bunch of their old friends (Gaang!) had a party of their own, featuring top notch face painting and the most impressive balloon art i’ve seen in my entire life. That guy wasn’t kidding when he said he could do anything. Batman, Arielle, a giraffe, a martian on Mars with a space gun, Pingu, a baby tooth … you name it. He even offered to bend balloons after the children’s own sketches, but unfortunately the 6-year old crowd was a bit too timid to take him up on it…

Happy Birthday Theo and thank you for the party!

Posted in Daily Musings, Drawings


  1. jeeun responded on February 6th, 2011 at 5:45 am

    That is a serious standard of face painting and balloons; never seen anything like it. Oh New York!!!!

  2. J responded on February 6th, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    I hope you got his business card since I will be asking you for it!

  3. ninja responded on February 6th, 2011 at 7:40 pm

    Jeeun – these people far exceeded the ‘standard’ for New York party entertainer as well. I’ve never seen balloon art like this, and only once was impressed by a face painter before, but this lady was even more versatile.

    Jen – the balloon guy was “Bauldi”. He’s one of the artists for hire at
    Will post the face painter’s info as soon as i get it.

  4. Wendy responded on February 7th, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Hey all here is the link to the website.
    Bauldy and Jeannie (I think it was Jeanie) come together I believe. I knew I wanted them both, but it also seemed like that was the basic and only option – balloons/face paint combo. But maybe not…I didn’t ask. They were super! I was so pleased with their work and totally recommend!

  5. Wendy responded on February 7th, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Whoops. Forgot the link!