Unofficial BFFs

May 15th, 2011 by ninja

On Saturday, the kids had our local playground almost to themselves and were playing in perfect harmony for over two hours: racing up and down each slide dozens of times, pretending house- and grocery store scenes, giggling and twirling on the tire swing until they couldn’t walk a straight line anymore, and generally racing around the playground hand in hand, oblivious to other children. I even got asked what “magical age difference” it might be, that they got along so well.

Full disclosure: when they both are well rested and fed, they get along beautifully like this – but they are also incredibly skilled at pushing each others buttons throughout less favorable times of the day. To the point that Mika recently complained through her clenched teeth “how annoying” Tobin is “all the time”, and that she wants a day off from having a little brother.  I’d say chances for perfect harmony are about 60:40, but i can even see their love for each other shine through the darkest moments … and that’s all that counts in the long term.

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos

One Comment

  1. sooki responded on May 16th, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    The Polarn o Pyret siblings!! I think Tobin + Lukas has the same jacket :) You soo timed it right Ninjette!!