Happy 7th Birthday, Mika!

November 30th, 2011 by ninja

Time flies: our big girl turned seven today (!)

Thanks to the kids waking up 1.5 hours early, we had a relaxed celebration well before all of us had to go to school/work. Mika finally got her long anticipated, own 20-inch bike after riding a 16-inch loaner from a neighbor boy for almost two years. Omi Hilde generously added a new helmet, and Mika took both for a test ride to- and from school. Opa Addi and Omi Hiltraud wrote a most amazing children’s book (on the number 7), just for Mika, which i have to feature separately. Grandparents Chang outfitted her with a wetsuit to withstand the low water temperatures at her beloved swim class this Winter. I left the office in the early afternoon to celebrate with her class (rainbow cupcakes baked overnight), then we made our way down to Tobin’s school for pickup time. At the end of the day, she insisted on finishing the first of the three Clementine books Uncle Joe and Auntie Grace had given her – with her new reading light. This will come in handy when both kids have the same bedtime, but Mika is allowed to stay up a bit longer, reading in her bed.

Thank you everybody for making her day extra special!


Posted in Photos, Videos


  1. sophie responded on December 1st, 2011 at 7:37 am

    Ich wusste doch, dass ich schon wieder ein wichtiges Datum vergessen habe … Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Mika!!! Das Fahrrad sieht sehr professionell aus (und erst der Helm!). Alles Gute für Dich :-))
    Liebe Grüße von Sophie

  2. jeeun responded on December 7th, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    I’m in love with Mika’s bike! and her cupcakes. I think you guys are too stylish for me….xxx

  3. Ninja responded on December 7th, 2011 at 5:13 pm

    @ Jeeun: Says the mother of the most stylish toddler girl in all of the UK. But yes, the Specialized bike is a beauty and thanks to the gears and the light aluminum frame, she is going off like a rocket. Mika has been riding w/o training wheels since she was 4 1/2, so she’s a very coordinated and strong rider. It really is a good investment at this point. She LOVES it.

  4. euge responded on December 10th, 2011 at 12:57 am

    Her smile on the video is so nice to see. Now that Nara finally understands some concept of ‘Birthday’ she LOVES watching the videos of Mika and Tobin singing to their grandparents and great grandmother and of course to each other. I think she clicked on the “play” button about 10 times before we made her go to daycare.

  5. ninja responded on December 10th, 2011 at 1:04 am

    Awww … that’s so sweet :) Too bad we weren’t here this summer to sing Happy Birthday to Nara!