The Sleepover

December 4th, 2011 by ninja

Mika and her BFFs from preschool and second grade had the best of times at our sleepover party. The group was even tighter knit due to Mica and Olivia becoming friends on their own during summer camp this year. They started off with sushi dinner and custom soap bar making. Once the soaps were cooling down, the kids had ice cream cake and changed into their PJs. Everybody cuddled up on the couch with glowsticks and popcorn to watch Mika’s favorite in-flight movie of the year, Rio. Well after his bedtime, Tobin started his very own “sleepover party” in our room, surrendering his bed to much admired idol Gaang. The big kids chatted until after midnight (…) and woke up around 7:00 am. Waffle breakfast was served shortly after, which brought them back to life – at least until pickup time. Olivia’s invention, the “number seven brain shield” (last picture), kept everybody sane…

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos

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