Playdate in Technicolor

September 24th, 2008 by ninja

(The pictures in this post go back in time, just to support the headline)

Mika and Gaang had a great after-school playdate. Initially, no babies were allowed … but after an hour they included Tobin, who appreciated the big-kid attention. The day ended with dinner at Eton. ‘Shaved ice season’ will be over soon, so we had to try the impressive “rainbow flavor” which we’ve seen in so many kids’ hands this summer. Afterwards, even the sky seemed to glow in Technicolor…

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos


  1. P. ;-))) responded on September 25th, 2008 at 1:15 am

    Romantic !! Das nennen wir “Eisbomben” ! Und wann bekommt
    Tobin sein erstes Cell Phone ?!

  2. ninja responded on September 25th, 2008 at 1:32 am

    Sein erstes Cell Phone? Nie, wenn es nach seiner Grossmutter ginge ;-)
    Im Moment kann man ihm aber noch einen Taschenrechner oder eine (Plastik)banane andrehen. Was mich aber wundert ist mit wieviel Hingabe er jetzt schon in den Hörer ‘spricht’…