Name That Game

October 1st, 2012 by ninja

The kids invented a new game:

Step 1: Tobin rests comfortably on a bed of pillows, with Mika hiding underneath
Step 2: Tobin pretends to push a button, which prompts Mika to make robotic sounds and rise/lower his back rest with her body
Step 3: After a few rounds, the “mechanism” spins out of control until both kids fall off the couch laughing

What are you playing?, i asked curiously. Omi Hilde’s Bett!!, they replied. (Of course!)

Thankfully, the real Omi Hilde recovered quickly from her injuries last year, and has been living independently in her apartment ever since. It looks like the only memory the kids kept from her 6-week hospital stay were how much fun they had with the remote-controlled bed. My own best memory from those weeks: how much fun Omi Hilde had with the kids making a happy ruckus during our visits.

Posted in Daily Musings, Photos

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